Senin, 29 Desember 2014

My Story

Hearts’s Owner: Commitment

Everyone has love. And also someone never felt love itself. There is a proverb that love can change a person's life. Why is that? Here will be explained how love can change a person's life. Where the original life feels flat or indifferent, but once he found love, she can feel the love it properly and can turn into a happy life. But there are also something which was so happy yet originally his life with her love of life into a mess. It can happen to everyone if we are not able to apply it with a good love. We just have fun without thinking about the things that can damage us.
  We leave the impact of love itself. Many people are happy with their feelings, but it is not a few who feel the pain of love. Feeling sick, they mean that someone achieve love it. So many things are ahead. Likewise with me, Love it takes sacrifice, Am I right? But why every man approaching, they always doubt if I about sacrifice. This being of the case, I think that they do not really want me in his heart. There was a man who asked me "Could he become owner of my heart ?. Hearing the question, I was speechless. And in my heart to ask:why is it so easy to express feelings, whether they are confident with their feelings?
And I answer that question, "Ehmm, I give appreciation to you for your feeling. Everyone has the right to express their feelings". Then he said, Sorry, if It Makes you uncomfortable”. Then I replied, no, do not like that, I'm happy if you can be honest about how you feel". Then the man asked. "Then how do you feel me? Do you have the same feeling with me". I was confused how I should answer it. Because I have not found anything that makes me sure if he really loves me. Because we have not known each other long. Then I asked the man, "why do you like me? I am not a beautiful woman, sexy is not”.  Then he laughed and said, Ha..Ha..Ha .. What do must have his reasons if love someone. The most importantly heart has spoken”.
After I heard his words, I was speechless and feel amazed. He spoke the truth, there is no reason to love someone if our hearts have spoken. Then he asked, "then how do you want to accept my feelings or not?”. My heart began rattle securely. I felt my heart was going to explode. And I decided that I would try to give him a chance and convince my heart that he is the right person to be the owner of the liver. Then I answered his question. "well, I will provide an opportunity for you to enter into my life. But you promise that you must maintain both our commitment . and Do not have hurt each other. We must maintain our partner's feelings to each other. Do you agree? ". He rushed replied "thank you for the opportunity you gave me. I agree. I promise to yourself and myself, that I would keep our commitment. I will never hurt you even just once. Because you're the one person which I love. ".
Then I said, "So sweet. Okay I hold promise ". Then he reconnect "you know what you were my first love which I was still junior high school". I was surprise and I said " Are you serious? Wahh and you still keep your feeling it until now. It Means that we have the same feelings. Because I like you at that time ". He smiled and said "Thank God then. It turns out that Allah has brought us in a timely manner. I'm very happy which have you. For me, you're the owner of my heart forever ". I smiled, blushed and I was very happy. So is the story of my glance. We as Allah  is equipped creature feeling of Allah. Therefore we also have to love Allah and His fellow creatures. Hopefully this story can be beneficial.  I love you more, more , and more. Bye ...!!!

Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014

Tanda Tanya Besar

Seperti Apa Hidupku Kelak?

Dunia ini banyak menyimpan rahasia. Sebuah rahasia yang tak mudah untuk dipecahkan. Begitupun dengan diriku. Aku ini adalah seorang gadis biasa yang menginginkan hal yang luar biasa. Mungkin bagi oranglain hal itu tidak mungkin. Karena diriku yang tidak punya apa-apa. Diriku yang tidak memiliki kelebihan yang menonjol. Diriku yang tidak dikenal oleh publik, dan diriku yang hanya menyimpan perasaanku dalam-dalam tanpa bisa untuk mengungkapkannya. Begitu banyak hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidupku.
Meskipun begitu, aku juga memiliki harapan dalam hidup ini. Meski mungkin hidupku tidak akan menakjubkan seperti kehidupan oranglain di luar sana. Hal yang terpenting dalam hidupku ini adalah memberikan yang terbaik untuk kedua orangtuaku dan membuat mereka bahagia, dengan begitu aku dapat sedikit membalas jasa- jasa mereka meski aku sadar bahwa aku tidak dapat membalas jasa mereka hingga aku menutup mata. Sebuah perjalanan panjang yang aku jalani, membuat aku sempat merasakan bosan, lelah, marah, kecewa pada hidup ini. Seakan- akan tiada satupun yang dapat ku lakukan di dunia ini. Suatu situasi dimana aku harus merelakan atau menyerah pada impianku dikarenakan suatu hal yang membuatku tidak berdaya dan tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Suatu kondisi yang menyedihkan. Tapi aku tidak pernah menyalahkan keadaan ini. Aku mencoba tuk mengerti kondisi pada waktu itu.
Sebuah hal yang menjadi bagian dari rahasia hidupku. Dan juga aku sempat berfikir kenapa aku hidup menjadi seseorang yang bodoh. Namun begitu aku mencoba kembali tuk bersemangat tuk menjalani hidup ini. Hidup yang begitu melelahkan. Dalam hidupku, aku ingin sekali dapat merasakan kebahagiaan bersama orang- orang tercinta. Walau itu hanya sekali. Suatu kebahagiaan yang alami dimana aku berkumpul dengan kedua orangtuaku, memiliki seorang suami yang aku cintai dan juga dia yang sangat mencintaiku, serta memiliki anak-anak yang lucu yang membuat aku selalu ingin berada dirumah. Hal tersebut menurutku Sebuah harapan tingkat tinggi. Tetapi dalam hidup ini kita memang harus memiliki suatu harapan yang mana harapan tersebut dapat menjadi motivasi hidup kita.