Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

Create Descriptive Writing

Name : Siti Minarsih
Npm  : 12340030
Writing 3
4 th semester 

Analizying paragraph
Admirable of Someone
Introductory  Paragraph
Each person must have the idol or admirable of someone. Because they feel that their idol has a good personality that will impress their life. Everything related to their idol life, such as how to dress, behavior, way of talking and others. As much as possible they will be participating for the sake of showing that they admire their idol. If in this life, we do not have the idol then we will feel very lacking in our lives. However, in finding the idol, we must look on the bright side that keep us motivated or excited again to live a life which is so complicated.

Body Paragraph


Likewise, I have the idol that I admire from the past until whenever. No one can match his personality. His personality is so good personality amazingly. He is someone who is almost perfect person. My idol was Prophet Muhammad SAW who is our prophet. I really idolized him. He has a personality that is very unusual in his hard life. Since childhood, he had a difficult life. When he was still in the womb of his mother, he has left his father which has been passed away. Then he was a child which his mother has been passed away. He's foster grandfather. He was very diligent to help his grandfather’s herding goats.

I am very impressed with his patience in the face of all the problems which he was facing. He remained patient when he was insulted by the Quraysh. He remained patient even though he was spat upon by the enemy. He never reply evil his enemy but he responded with good deeds. In the case, I am going to emulate or apply in my life but I have to try hardly because I feel so difficulty to do it. Then he has an incredible spirit. When he spread the islam of religion, he was very excited even though many people who reject the teachings of Islam but he did not give up easily. It also motivates me to remain living life despite the many obstacles ahead. He also likes to help his fellow man. He never distinguish between Muslims and non-Muslims which he assume that all of us are the creation of GOD. He had great respect for differences of religion. He never impose the will of the people to the non-Muslims who convert in Islam religion. For him, Islam is a peace of religion so he wanted to convert to Islam because of their own awareness, not compulsion. His respect makes me admirable more and more. He has been became a role model for all Muslims. Because his personality is incredible. Because of the importance of all the words, his behavior outlined in a book we know as the As- Sunah. As- Sunnah guide us besides the holy book Quran. We can learn it that we can be followers who run all the religious teachings of Islam.
I hope that I and my family can be recognized as followers in the Hereafter. I really admire him. He is a hero to all of Muslims in particular and mankind in general.
Conclucion paragraph
Similarly, I can tell you about my admirable someone. Hopefully, useful for us. Message from me, do the best with good ways. If you are on the right ways, keep moving despite many pebbles are facing, do not ignore the pebbles. Thank you for attention. Nice to meet me again in the other chance.

 Note :
Blue type is topic sentence
Green type is thinking verb
Brown type is relating verb
Black type is adverb
Purple type is present tense